Love 30 Submission on Galway City Speed Limit Review 2020
Love 30 has made a submission to the Galway City Council public consultation on speed limits saying that we wholeheartedly welcome the proposals by Galway City Council to reduce speed limits in the city centre and the suggestion that there will be further 30 km/h speed limits.
However, we are disappointed that the 30 km/h speed limit area in the city centre is modest in size and that no proposals were brought forward to introduce 30 km/h speed limits in neighbourhood centres, non-estate residential roads, or outside schools.
Further, we are concerned that the proposals retain or implement new 60, 80 and 100 km/h speed limits on roads with houses, schools, businesses and on roads with known safety issues. Almost all of the roads proposed to have higher speed limits are in Safety Camera (GoSafe) Zones. Exacerbating circumstances include lack of continuous footways and footways with low level of service, lack of cycleways / cyclepaths, lack of safe crossing points and haphazard footways that are overgrown, poorly surfaced and / or covered in road debris. While direct, many of the roads are not straight.