Why 30km/h?
There is overwhelming evidence that lower speed limits make streets safer and more pleasant places for children and adults to live, socialise, work and play. When parents and children can walk and cycle in their neighbourhood, families benefit from healthier children, less stress and more money in their pockets.
It’s not only a road safety issue, lower speed limits also:
- Ensure that traffic moves more smoothly with minimal effects on journey times-
- Reduce air and noise pollution
- Reduce carbon emissions by increasing the number of people walking and cycling
- Encourage young people to move about independently and encourage parents to permit their children to do so
- Help combat rising levels of obesity by encouraging people of all ages to walk and cycle and by encouraging children to play outdoors
- Transform our urban and village streets and residential estates from car dominated through-roads to vibrant living ‘people-friendly’ spaces
- Bring us into line with the rest of Europe where 30km/h, (20 mph in the UK) is fast becoming the default urban speed limit.