Love 30 Welcomes Road Safety Act 2024
Love 30 was delighted by the passing of the Road Safety Act in August 2024 and congratulates Ministers Jack Chambers and Eamon Ryan on this important move to make the roads safer for all.
The new legislation includes reductions in default speed limits, reform of penalty points, and mandatory drug testing at the scene of serious collisions.
Love 30 particularly welcomes the reduction of default speed limits:
- on national secondary roads, from 100km/h to 80km/h
- on local roads, from 80km/h to 60 km/h
- on roads in built-up areas from 50km/h to 30km/h
The new legislation followed a review of speed limits carried out by the Department of Transport in 2023. Love 30 made a submission tot the Department, arguing for a reduction in the default speed limit in urban areas from 50 km/h to 30 km/h, and a redefinition of 'built-up areas' to include all urban areas.
This new legislation brings Ireland in line with countries such as the Netherlands, Spain, and Wales that have default urban speed limits of 30 km/h / 20 mph, and cities like London, Brussels, Milan, Santander, Bilbao, Paris, Washington DC, Boulder Colorado, and Wellington. A recent BBC article `notes that there was a reduction of 23% in killed and seriously injured (KSI) in Wales in the first three months of 2024 on 20 mph and 30 mph roads since the lower speed limits were introduced.
We understand that the speed limit reductions will be introduced in 3 phases:
- Rural Local Roads - 80km/h
- Urban & National Secondary Roads – 30km/h and 80km/h
- Schools and other remaining
Phase 1 is now in progress and local authorities are drafting new bye-laws. Love 30 has made submissions on draft bye-laws for Cork, Donegal, Mayo, Louth and Galway.